When I commenced my journey

of recovery in 1997

there were very few resources for

male survivors

of child sexual abuse

One day a Christian friend

suggested that maybe

God wanted me to write


     I wrote as a man

for men.


However I now realise

that resources for Christian

woman are inadequate.

   Woman are free to

read these sites

for transferable concepts.


  I have also come to realise that

more resources are needed

for grieving Christians

traumatised Christians

    ( eg soldiers

      car colision victims etc)

  so I  have sought to provide

support and ministry.

Men Opening Hearts to Jesus

new Edition 2018

        When I was 16  I joined the Sunday night Youth Group.

At 7.15pm we attended the 7.15pm Church Service. 

Sunday Night by Sunday night I looked up at the tall stained glass window

of The Crowned Lord Jesus Christ,   the King of Kings,

Knocking at the door of my heart.

     Time and time again I opened the door and asked Him in

              but it felt like I was sitting in the foyer drinking coffee with me.

I longed for Him to come right into my heart.

       I have learnt when I pray to let God answer in His time and His way. 

 This sometimes requires  not only prayer and faith

                                  but also patience and endurance. 


       It would be 31 years before my first memory of csa would surface.

  During general counselling one day I suddenly recalled

  that at the age of 14 the male Dept Principal of my high school had indecently assaulted me. 

     It would be 42 years before   my mum  finally  disclosed that at an early age I was taken to their friend's house etc etc  that the floodgates opened and my locked away memories flooded out and as as asked Jesus Christ to wash out my heart

                                   and shine his light into the dark recesses of my heart

that I finally invited The Lord Jesus Christ into my heart.  This time He came right in.


      before that I had locked away memories too intense for a child to deal with, 

memories of bad stuff my child's mind could not understand.

      horrible memories of being sexually abused in my early years.   Until then these memories were locked

away behind a bank vault door at the end of a long dark tunnel

guarded by guilt  fear and shame .

  now I was ready

 now I had the strength, the preparation and resolve to deal with it.

      At a certain point in my recovery I resolved to prayerfully write  a recovery site

and based this site on Revelation Chapter 3 verse 20  - Opening my heart to Jesus Christ.

    This site is my journey..